This morning I went in to check on Mama Flandry and her Tiny kitten babies, and I found this little 1 lady in pretty rough shape.

You’re probably wondering how this lady ended up in a little kitten pink jumpsuit. Well, this morning I went in to check on Mama cat Flandry and her Tiny babies, and I found this little lady in pretty rough shape. Her umbilical cord must have gotten tangled in the fibers of the blanket and pulled it off. It made for a pretty gruesome scene.

Thanks to the awesome community I’ve become a part of here, we were able to get her cleaned up and wrapped up to prevent any further damage. She will be seen by our doctor first thing in the morning.

I’m sharing this in an effort to remind everyone that no matter how much experience, or how many connections you have, shit happens, and it’s our responsibility as fosters to fight and advocate for these little creatures. Please keep this little one in your thoughts and prayers.  @fostermotherofkittens said.